Power99 is a community media outlet strengthening civil society to carve out a just, humanist, and progressive society through Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) and Educational Infotainment.
Power99 FM BCC services consist of “strategic use of communication to promote constructive and democratic behavior in the communities”. Moreover, our Behavior Change Communication is also used to promote positive health outcomes, based on proven theories and models of behavior change. As usual, it is employed in a systematic process as follows:

The mission of the POWER99 Foundation is to transform the Pakistani education system into an effective tool for providing modern knowledge, critical and scientific thinking skills, and non-violent behaviors for peaceful coexistence.
POWER99 Foundation envisions educated and non-violent societies of Pakistan where people respect diversity, and human rights and resolve their conflicts non-violently.
Who are we ?
BroadClass Listen to Learn is an interactive radio-based program for educational enhancement and sustainable peace-building which engages communities at large and targets teachers and students. As the program is based on time-honored Universal Peace teachings, it is focused on children’s overall growth and resolving the aforementioned issues faced by Pakistan today.